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mp3seznam.cz - Žádný ze zde umístěných souborů se nenachází na tomto serveru. Proto nezodpovídáme za jejich kvalitu ani za porušování autorských práv - tuto zodpovědnost nese server na který odkazujeme.
 1. George Will and Cal Thomas  Nightline 08-10-2005 on Intelligent Design  Nightline 08-10-2005 on Intelligent Design 
 2. Michael Behe and Vincent Cassone  Debate on Intelligent Design at Texas A&M 2005  Debate on Intelligent Design at Texas A&M 2005 
 3. Paul Nelson and Kenneth Miller  Debate on Intelligent Design and Evolution 2005  Debate on Intelligent Design and Evolution 2005 
 4. With Good Reason  Intelligent Design  VFH Radio 
 5. Kerby Anderson  The Argument of Intelligent Design  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 6. DJ Homo Ludens  Intelligent Design Part 1  Intelligent Design 
 7. Kerby Anderson  The Argument of Intelligent Design  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 8. intelligentdesign  Intelligent Design and the Arts  Intelligent Design The Future 
 9. America's Future Foundaion  What's the Deal with Intelligent Design?  AFF Roundtable 
 10. intelligentdesign  Intelligent Design and the Arts  Intelligent Design The Future 
 11. John Nørgaard Nielsen  Intelligent Design systemer i naturen  Apropos/Origo 
 12. intelligentdesign  Intelligent Design 101: State of the Debate  Intelligent Design The Future 
 13. William Lane Craig & Francisco Ayala  Debate: Is Intelligent Design Viable?   
 14. John Nørgaard Nielsen  Intelligent Design systemer i naturen  Apropos/Origo 
 15. Bob Enyart, Will Duffy  Richard Dawkins Argues for Intelligent Design  BEL Apr 2008 
 16. Bob Enyart, Will Duffy  Richard Dawkins Argues for Intelligent Design  BEL Apr 2008 
 17. Kenneth Miller, Stephen Meyer, Lawrence Krauss, and others  Evolution and Intelligent Design 2002 -- www.ScienceFriday.com  Evolution and Intelligent Design 2002 -- www.ScienceFriday.com 
 18. Lawrence Krauss and others on C-SPAN  American Enterprise Institute discussion on Intelligent Design  American Enterprise Institute discussion on Intelligent Design 
 19. Dr. Jeff Zweerink  Poll: Creationism, Intelligent Design Still Taught in U.S. Classroom  Science News Flash 
 20. The Infidel Guy Show  Dr. Barbara Forrest - Intelligent Design and Dover - 01-20-2006  www.infidelguy.com 
 21. Minnesota Atheists - http://www.minnesotaatheists.org/  Hector Avalos - Intelligent Design: Science or Religion  Atheist Talk - Audio 
 22. Minnesota Atheists - http://www.minnesotaatheists.org/  Hector Avalos - Intelligent Design: Science or Religion  Atheist Talk - Audio 
 23. William Dembski and Eugenie Scott 2001  Intelligent Design Debate on The Diane Rehm Show  Intelligent Design Debate on The Diane Rehm Show 
 24. Science Friday Podcast  Dover Intelligent Design Trial Update -- SciFri 2005102111  Dover Intelligent Design Trial Update 
 25. DJ Grothe  Eugenie Scott - The Dover Trial: Evolution vs. Intelligent Design  Point of Inquiry 
 26. DJ Grothe  Eugenie Scott - The Dover Trial: Evolution vs. Intelligent Design  Point of Inquiry 
 27. intelligentdesign  Alfred Russel Wallace: Champion of Natural Selection or Intelligent Design?  Intelligent Design The Future 
 28. intelligentdesign  Systems Biology and Intelligent Design: Conversation with Biologist Luman Wing, Part 2  Intelligent Design The Future 
 29. intelligentdesign  Predictions from an Intelligent Design Perspective: Conversation with Biologist Luman Wing, Part 3  Intelligent Design The Future 
 30. Diane West  Pets In The City Episode New York’s Pet Fashion Week 2008 - Intelligent Design or Humans Gone Wild?  Pet Life Radio - Let's Talk Pets on PetLifeRadio.com 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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